Chord Melody for C Jam Blues
This lesson is available to JazzGuitarLessons.com members only. As a member, you'll receive access to exclusive members only content, comprehensive video lessons, transcriptions, notation, TAB, play-alongs, downloads, forums, discounts and email updates whenever new material is added. Don't miss out. Sign up today!
Soloing Using the C Blues Scale
This lesson is available to JazzGuitarLessons.com members only. As a member, you'll receive access to exclusive members only content, comprehensive video lessons, transcriptions, notation, TAB, play-alongs, downloads, forums, discounts and email updates whenever new material is added. Don't miss out. Sign up today!
This lesson is available to JazzGuitarLessons.com members only. As a member, you'll receive access to exclusive members only content, comprehensive video lessons, transcriptions, notation, TAB, play-alongs, downloads, forums, discounts and email updates whenever new material is added. Don't miss out. Sign up today!